

what if volunteers didn't volunteer?

Scot Davis, Battalion Chief
Volunteer Coordinator
Los Pinos Fire District
Ignacio, CO 81137
o: 970-563-9501
c: 970-946-8979

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Our next Volunteer Division informational meeting will be on Wednesday, November 2nd from 6p - 7p at Station #1 - 275 Browning Ave., Ignacio, CO. This is a great opportunity to learn about volunteering and meet with current volunteers. Please call Batallion Chief Davis at 970-563-9501 for more information.

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When your neighbor calls you for help you would run right over and help. So what if we give you a little training and some equipment to use, along with a way to notify you anytime that one of your neighbors needs your help. Neighbors helping Neighbors

Our volunteer division has volunteers throughout our district, who can get to a call quicker than the station crew and begin providing services as needed.

Currently, we are specifically looking for volunteers interested in training for wild-land fire and medical calls. We will provide you with with everything you need to volunteer including training, equipment, PPE, etc. We also offer an amazing fire department “family”.

We know that volunteering with a fire department requires a certain level of time commitment and we also know that the community in which we live in needs volunteers to provide first responder services. We need your help to be able to get to a call in first, give us a report of what is happening, and to begin helping the situation within your level of training.

Please read about our volunteer positions and let us know if any of them spark an interest in you. Contact Scot Davis, BN Chief/Volunteer Coordinator and we will set up a time to meet and tour a station. I look forward to hearing from you!!

Volunteer Job Descriptions


Trained in the mission, values, history, and basic statistics of the organization .

This person will help education and market the department

Scene Size-Up Specialist

Trained in initial assessment of incidents and communicating a brief incident report to the incident commander.

This is a person who can show up first and identify the initial pertinent information so that staffing and resource decisions can be made.

Fire and/or Medic

Trained at a minimum level to provide external support for fires and initial BLS for medical calls

Advanced trainings offered for advanced certifications

This person will be able to assist in initial fire suppression and external fire-ground duties.

This person will be able to perform BLS and use BLS tools.
DO/DOP (Driver Operator/Driver Operator - Pumper)

Trained to operate apparatus – driving and other
Training is class specific

This person will be able to bring apparatuses as needed and operated them as trained.


Trained in advanced firefighting, EMS, field operations, and crew/scene management

These people have demonstrated a high-level of skills and leadership.


These people can provide specialty services such as:

Web design

Media development

Social media

Desktop publishing, etc.
Contact Us:
Los Pinos Fire Protection District
PO Box 319
275 Browning Ave.
Ignacio, CO 81137

©2024 Los Pinos Fire Protection District, All Rights Reserved Worldwide